Step up to renewable energy for the future

New dry rooms Steel and concrete works - building 881

Construction of the largest Dry Rooms in Belgium

When carrying out renovation work on Building 881, it was determined that the entire building needed to be decoupled from the surrounding buildings, so a new scope of work was created and a stability study was made. As a result, a completely new steel structure with new concrete floors and walls was opted for within the existing building.
For this, except for the facades, the old structure was demolished and new foundations were poured and then a new steel structure was placed. A new floor slab was also poured over the entire building, including a structure with hollow walls to create a mezzanine floor within a limited space. Techniques were placed by a partner to then hand in hand to perform the roofing work with Resitrix (flameproof).
A very tight deadline, flexibility, safe working and people who were well matched were necessary to bring this all to a successful conclusion.

Group Suerickx


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